Grobplanung Törn 2011: Adria - westliches Mittelmeer
MY RUMBALOTTE 2011 Kurzbericht
MY RUMBALOTTE 2011 Tagebuch
Adria - Süditalien - Sizilien - liparische Inseln - Westküste Italien - Elba - Korsika - Sardinien - Korsika - französische Mittelmeerküste
und hier der Link zur Online-Betrachtung!
Videoaufnahmen der kroatischen Küste
Ankerplätze Frankreich/Mittelmeer
Ankerplätze Italien
Weitere Länderinformationen
Törnführer und Kartenmaterial

Törnführer |
Adriatic Pilot |
Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, |
East Coast of Italy and Albania | 2008 |
Kroatien, Slowenien, Montenegro |
888 Häfen & Buchten 2010 | 2011 |
Italian Waters Pilot 7th edition | 2006 |
Mediterranean ALMANAC 2011-12 | 2010 |
Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals |
Mediterranean, Black Sea and Red Sea 2009 | 2010 |
Lagunenträume Band 5 |
Wassserwege von Monfalcone bis Chioggia | 2005 |
Western Mediterranean Almanac Reeds/Bloc | 2011 |
Karten |
Adria |
Admiralty |
2124 | Isola Di Lampedusa Capo Passero Including Malta | 2005 |
1941 | Capo Passero to Capo Colonne | 2004 |
187 | Punta Stilo to Brindisi | 2005 |
186 | Vlore to Bar and Brindisi to Vieste | 2003 |
200 | Otok Lastovo to Split and Vieste to Porto Civi | 2008 |
220 | Otok Vis to Otok Susak and S. Benedetto del Trieste | 2007 |
204 | Sedmovrace to Triesete and Ravenna to Venezia | 2007 |
1590 | Ports in Albania | 2009 |
Admiralty Leisure Folio |
SC 5767 | Croatia Zadar to Dubrovnik, 1st Edition | 2007 |
SC 5771 | Ionian Islands, 1st Edition | 2006 |
Imray |
M 27 | Dubrocnik to Bar and Ulcinj | 2008 |
Italia Navigabile |
Carta di Navigazione Fluviale Venezia | 2005 |
Westliches Mittelmeer |
Admiralty |
2124 | Isola Di Lampedusa Capo Passero incl. Malta | 2005 |
1941 | Capo Passero to Capo Colonne | 2004 |
Imray |
M3 | Islas Baleares - Formentera, Ibiza, Mallorca, Menorca | 2010 |
M6 | Ile de Corse | 2008 |
M8 | North Sardegna | 2009 |
M9 | South Sardegna | 2009 |
M11 | Gibraltar to Cabo de Gata & Marocco | 2009 |
M12 | Cabo de Gata to Dénia & Ibiza | 2008 |
M13 | Dénia to Barcelona and Ibiza | 2010 |
M14 | Barcelona to Bouches du Rhône | 2010 |
M15 | Marseille to Genova and Calvi | 2006 |
M16 | Ligurian Sea | 2010 |
M17 | North Tuscan Islands to Rome | 2010 |
M18 | Capo d'Anzio to Capo Palinuro | 2010 |
M19 | Capo Palinuro to Punta Stilo | 2010 |
M31 | Sicilia | 2010 |